Innovation Welfare Society will soon hold a meeting for Lucknow Health Run

Innovation Welfare Society wil hold a meeting soon for Lucknow Health Run
Innovation Welfare Society wil hold a meeting soon for Lucknow Health Run

Innovation Welfare Society will soon hold a meeting for the upcoming season of Lucknow Health Run, organized by Lucknow’s most famous Event management Company HBN Events Pvt. Ltd. Officials, Organisers, and the Lucknow Health run team will head this meeting to make Lucknow Health Run, the grandest marathon in the state.

Lucknow Health Run is solely organized by HBN Events which is a pioneer in organizing such events in the industry. HBN Events HBN Events is a comprehensive and dedicated event management company based in the City of Nawabs, Lucknow

Lucknow Health Run’s History:

Luckow Health Run started in the year 2019 which witnessed a humongous gathering of 3000+ people exceeding everyone’s expectations. Incepted with an aim to promote a healthy lifestyle among kids and adults, LHR left no stone unturned. People with different fitness levels shared the same stage and raced together for the finish line. Apart from winning or reaching the finishing line, it was a chance for people to break down their shackles and swiftly cruise towards their goals.

For more details go to Lucknow Health Run’s Website: